The hydraulic pump oil pump of DENISON is the following:
Dennison Denison plunger pump PV&PVT series of commonly used models:
PV15-2R1C-C00 PV15-2R1D-F00 PV6-2R1C-C00 PV29 2R1B C02
PV10-2R1C-C00 PV15-2R1C-C00 PV20-2R1C-C00 PV29 2R1C C00
PV15-1L1D-C00; PV15-1R1D-J00; PV15-2L1D-L00; PV15-2R1D-L02
PV15-1L1D-C02; PV15-1R1D-J02; PV15-2L1D-L02; PV15-2R1D-L02NP
PV15-1L1D-F00; PV15-1R1D-K02; PV15-2L5D-C00; PV15-2R1D-W02
PV15-1L1D-F02; PV15-1R1D-L00; PV15-2R1D-C00; PV15-2R4D-C00
PV15-1L1D-J00; PV15-1R1D-L02; PV15-2R1D-C02; PV15-2R4D-F02
PV15-1L1D-K00; PV15-1R5D-C00; PV15-2R1D-F00; PV15-2R5D-C00
PV15-1L1D-L00; PV15-1R5D-F02; PV15-2R1D-F02; PV15-2R5D-C02
PV15-1L1D-L02; PV15-1R5D-F02NP; PV15-2R1D-F02NP; PV15-2R5D-F00
PV15-1L5D-C00; PV15-1R5D-L00; PV15-2R1D-J00; PV15-2R5D-F02
PV15-1R1D-C00; PV15-2L1D-C00; PV15-2R1D-J02; PV15-2R5D-K00
PV15-1R1D-C02; PV15-2L1D-C02; PV15-2R1D-K00; PV15-2R5D-K02
PV15-1R1D-F00; PV15-2L1D-F00; PV15-2R1D-K02; PV15-2R5D-L00
PV15-1R1D-F02; PV15-2L1D-F02; PV15-2R1D-L00; PV15-2R5D-L02
PV15-1R1D-F02NP; PV15-2L1D-J00
PV20-1L1D-C00; PV20-1R1D-F02NP; PV20-2L1D-F02; PV20-2R1D-J00
PV20-1L1D-C00NP; PV20-1R1D-J00; PV20-2L1D-K00; PV20-2R1D-J02
PV20-1L1D-C02; PV20-1R1D-K00; PV20-2L1D-L00; PV20-2R1D-K00
PV20-1L1D-F00; PV20-1R1D-K02; PV20-2L1D-L02; PV20-2R1D-K02
PV20-1L1D-F02; PV20-1R1D-L00; PV20-2L5D-C00; PV20-2R1D-L00
PV20-1L1D-J00; PV20-1R1D-L02; PV20-2L5D-F02; PV20-2R1D-L02
PV20-1L1D-L00; PV20-1R5D-C02; PV20-2L5D-L00; PV20-2R5D-C00
PV20-1L1D-L02; PV20-1R5D-F02; PV20-2R1D-C00; PV20-2R5D-C02
PV20-1R1D-C00; PV20-1R5D-F02NP; PV20-2R1D-C02; PV20-2R5D-F00
PV20-1R1D-C02; PV20-2L1D-C00; PV20-2R1D-F00; PV20-2R5D-F02
PV20-1R1D-F00; PV20-2L1D-C02; PV20-2R1D-F02; PV20-2R5D-J00
PV20-1R1D-F02; PV20-2L1D-F00; PV20-2R1D-F02NP; PV20-2R5D-L00
Parker Dan Nixon Denison variable piston pump PV&PVT series
Low noise - low noise level in the whole working range and improved working conditions.
Anti pollution - improve work reliability and maintenance cost reduction;
Large power - rated working pressure is high, so its output power is large. The maximum transient operating pressure of PV29 is 4500 psi (310 bar) except 4000 psi (276 bar).
_Save System Cost Higher work pressure allows the system to select smaller components, you can reduce the overall size of the system, thereby truly saving costs;
_Multi-pump through-shaft series - this series of hydraulic pumps with full-power through-shaft drive function, can be driven through the same primary shaft multi-pump;
Easy to use - oil port configuration has side and tail options, easy to install and use.
High efficiency and high total efficiency.
High safety - use of fire resistant hydraulic fluid;
The structure is simple - the reliability is improved and the working life is long.
Flow regulation - The maximum output flow of the pump can be adjusted to meet your needs by using the standard maximum displacement regulator.
_Interchangeability-Installation dimension fully conforms to SAE Flange Installation Standard, nozzle connection conforms to BSPP or SAE-61 Four-hole Flange Standard, and can be interchanged with any other piston pump conforming to SAE Installation Standard